Day Pass Tickets
Senior or Student
Toddler (2-)
The ticket booth is 24 hours self-serve and monitored (trail cam) regularly. Passes are frequently checked. Please use the time stamp machine, or write the date on your trail pass. Everyone must have a day pass or member pass when on any of the Onion Lake Ski Trails.
OR pre-purchase a set of 10 day pass tickets at a reduced rate (for adults, 10 passes for $100). These tickets would be used in place of cash in the day pass envelopes. Order form and further details here. The ticket booklets are also for sale at the rental shed and from members of the executive.
Also available: Christmas Ski Pass! A laminated individualized day pass with a 3-week life span; for $50 your returning university students or Christmas visitors can enjoy unlimited skiing between December 15th and January 8th. Registration form is here.
Season Memberships
Club Membership Trail Pass for 2024/25 - online https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=36730
Prefer to send a paper copy in the mail? No problem! Go here.
Before Dec 1
After Dec 1
After Feb 14
Adult (20+)
Toddler (2-)
Child (3-12)
Youth (13-18)
Student w/ ID
Senior (65+)
Ski Rental Rates
We have ski gear (skis, boots, and poles) and snowshoes available for rent!
Kids 12 and under, who are club members, will be able to rent ski gear for the season--the seasonal rate for children is $75.
Day rentals schedule:
Ski season (January to February 2023):
Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sundays 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The gear must be returned by 4:00 p.m., so plan your ski or snowshoe adventure accordingly.
The rental shed can only take cash or cheques for payments. No debit or credit!
We can arrange rentals for organized groups, please use the contact us format at the bottom of this page.
Snowshoes: $10
​Ski gear:
complete set (skis, poles, boots): $20
skis only: $10
boots only: $10
poles only: $5
Group rates available--please contact someone from the executive for arrangements.
The maximum family rate (children and their parents) for classic ski gear rentals is $50.
Adult Lessons
Our CANSI instructors (Canadian Association of Nordic Ski Instructors) are ready to help you become a better skier, whether you are a new skier or are a seasoned skier but want to improve your ski skills. Instruction available for both classic and skate technique.
Starting in January: weekly lessons on Saturdays at 1 p.m. Fee: $20 per lesson.
Register by emailing Cathy, and indicate your level of skiing and whether you are interested in classic or skate technique.
Depending on the weather and snow conditions, we might have some lessons over the Christmas holidays. Stay tuned.
If you are part of a group that would like a lesson, or have a specific skill you would like to work on, let us know! Our goal is to get more people on skis, knowing enough to be safe on the trails, and to provide ongoing instruction to improve personal efficiency, skill, and fitness.
Kid's XC Ski Programs
Jackrabbits (starts January 2025)
The Jackrabbit registration for this season is now open. You can register online with your ski club memberships, or by paper registration (use membership registration form). Contact Dara for further information.
Bunnies | Jackrabbits | Track Attack
The Bunnies and Jackrabbits programs are for children aged 4-12 years. The program is designed to get children of all ability levels out skiing in an atmosphere that is ideal for learning, improving skills and having fun! All kids interested in the JackRabbit and Bunny program must be ski club members before registering for the program.
Program Costs:
Bunnies (4-5 years old): $70
Jack Rabbits (6-9 years old): $70
Track Attack (10-12 years old): $70
More Information On the Bunnies & Jackrabbits:
Important Documents:
Beginner's Guide to Cross Country Skiing​